Water grass-Echinochloa crusgalli
Native– Tropical Asia
Other names – crabgrass, yellow nutsedge
Water grasses prefer to grow only in Aquatic conditions, and people grow this grass for ornamental purposes in their lawns because grasses give colour and texture to the landscape.
It is also used for commercial purposes like animal fodder, flood control, basket weaving, and furniture making, etc
The grass comes in various colours: green, blue, and yellow.
How to get rid of water grass in the lawn?
The ideal temperature for the growth of grass is 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
To get rid of water grass and maintain a healthy lawn, you should follow a few steps as follows:
- Proper mowing
- Irrigation
- Fertilisation
Pre-emergence herbicides should be sprayed to control the water grass.
Pre-emergent herbicides– Prevent root growth and Impede seed cell division(prodiamine or dithiopyr)
During spring{april-may) pre-emergence herbicide can be sprayed to control the weeds.
Get help from professional lawn maintainers to remove water grass permanently, as they know how to evacuate them from the roots.
Manual pulling:
The first step is to identify what type of grass it is.
Then only, we can find suitable pre-emergence herbicide Accordingly.
Random herbicides might damage the surrounding plants and grasses.
The specific herbicide will kill only the targeted grass.
Pulling the grasses manually can also be done with a gardening trowel; it is an efficient way to remove the targeted grass, but it’s very time-consuming, leading to high labour costs.
Please ensure that the grasses seeds should not be shredded because they will give rise to new plants.
Doing manual pulling by wearing hand gloves is a safer move.
Removing the grasses after rain is easy because the soil will be soft afterwards. Pulling the plant entirely from the root is very important.
Use natural weed killer:
White Vinegar acts as an excellent natural weed killer.
Take the Vinegar in a spray bottle and spray them on the targeted grasses.
Sometimes this might not kill the entire grass, but it can temporarily stop the growth of grasses.
Apply specific pre-emergence Herbicide:
- Syngenta herbicide
- Compare N-save grass killer.
Excellent choices for killing the water grass
This herbicide won’t affect the nearby plants and soil health.
Taking professional help:
Sometimes you need more time to do the above steps; in that case, take help from professional lawn maintainers.
They know the exact steps to remove the water grass from your garden.
Final step:
Burning the water grass after it is dried is an excellent way to avoid the regrowth of the plants.
How to get rid of watergrass in the pond:
Water grass is a common problem for many pond owners; it will spread quickly and create a nuisance.
You can easily control watergrass by following the below-given steps:
1. Manual removal:
One of the easiest ways to get rid of water grass this can be done by removing the grass by hand.
But one crucial thing to consider is the grass should be removed from the roots to prevent it from growing back.
2. Chemical treatment:
You should select chemicals that will not affect the aquatic life in the pond.
Follow the instruction on the herbicide label carefully.
3. Biological control:
You can Introduce a natural predator or competitor to the pond to control the growth of water grass.
For example, grass carp is a type of fish that feeds aquatic vegetation and can effectively control the growth of water grass.
It would help if you managed it properly; otherwise, it may harm other aquatic life also.
4. Increasing water aeration:
Increasing the oxygen level in the pond promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria that can compete with water grass for nutrients.
5. Install some physical barriers:
Use a pond net or shade cloth to prevent watergrass from taking root in the pond.
This method is best to prevent watergrass from spreading.
6. Regular maintenance:
Remove the debris from time to time to prevent the growth of watergrass in the pond.
Keep the water clean and clear by regular monitoring.
The best approach to clear watergrass varies depending upon the specific circumstances of the pond, like the size and type of watergrass present in the pond.
You can maintain your pond free from watergrass with proper care and maintenance.
Frequently asked questions:
1. What is watergrass?
An aquatic plant that grows in and around ponds, rivers, lakes, and water ponds.
Watergrass are an essential source of food for several aquatic animals.
2. Water grass botanical name?
Glyceria sp