How to get rid of mealybug


Mealybugs are soft-bodied insects that often infest indoor and outdoor plants.

They primarily feed on plant sap, causing stunted growth and yellowing leaves, eventually leading to plant death if left untreated.

Mostly mealy bugs are found in moist warm habitats. It comes under insects, and the family of mealy bugs is Pseudococcidae.

Types of the mealybug:

  1.  Planococcus citri                       1. Long-tailed mealybug
  2. Pseudococcus                            2.Mexican mealybug
  3. Phenacoccus manihoti               3.Citrus mealybug
  4. Grey pineapple mealybug          4. Gills mealybug
  5. Clavicoccus erinaceus                5.Grape mealybug
  6. Antonina                                                              
  7. Laminicoccus
  8. phyllococcus

Mealybug spreading nature:

Mealybugs can spread quickly to all overlapping plants once found, so monitoring and controlling the infestation in the initial stage is an easy way to prevent its rapid spread.

How to get rid of mealybug naturally:

Mealybugs suck out plant sap, causing stunted growth, yellowing leaves, and even plant death.

Many people prefer natural pesticides to avoid exposing the plant to harmful chemical pesticides.

Using simple and safe methods, you can follow these effective ways to eliminate mealy bugs naturally.

1. Soap water spray:

You can use insecticidal soap or liquid soap diluted with a quarter cup of water. Pour the liquid inside the spray bottle and spray them over the mealy bugs.

This leads to suffocation for mealy bugs and kills them with this simple home remedy.

2. Neem oil:

Excellent organic home remedy and is non-toxic to plants and pollinators.

You can quickly get neem oil online. Mix neem oil+liquid soap+gallon of water and spray over the insects.

These are the effective way to kill the mealy bug.

3. Garg oil:

 You can use Garg oil as an organic pesticide.

 The main ingredient of Garg oil is chinnaman oil and garlic.

 The pungent smell of these two ingredients gets rid of the mealy bugs.

 You can use this oil over any flowering and ornamental plant.

4. Essential oil:

Cinnamon oil and lavender oil is an excellent repellent for mealybugs.

Add a few drops of essential oil, dilute it with water, and transfer the mixture into a spray bottle.

Spray over the mealybugs to repel them.

5. Apple cider vinegar:

It is a well-known and readily available product to control mealybugs.

One part of apple cider vinegar + 4 amounts of water can be diluted and sprayed over the mealybugs.

6. Pruning:

Cut the infected portion and burn them.

This prevents the rapid spread of mealybugs and also strengthens the plant.

7. Tobacco-soaked water:

Soak the tobacco leaves in water overnight.

The essence of tobacco will get mixed with the water.

Spray the tobacco water to eliminate the mealybugs.

How to get rid of mealybug on house plants:

Initial treatment is the best way to control the mealybugs immediately.

You should isolate the plant affected with mealy bugs immediately to control the rapid spread to the entire plant.

You can choose either an organic way of control or a synthetic route to control the mealybug.

If you go with synthetic control, choose an effective mealy bug pesticide and spray to control the pest attack, but it affects not only the mealybugs but also the pollinators and plants.

Controlling mealybug organically is time-consuming and should be done in the correct proportion.

Are mealybugs harmful to human beings?

Mealybugs isnt dangerous to humans, but they can cause some allergic reactions.

The wastes of the mealybug, called honeydew, may cause some skin rashes and sinusitis when you accidentally come into contact with that substance.

Use gloves and a protective mask whenever you enter the garden to protect yourself from this allergy.

You wash your hands and leg after leaving the garden to protect yourself from this sought of skin rashes.

How to get rid of mealybug with neem oil:

You can use neem oil to wipe down the leaves and stem portion wherever the mealybug attack is.

You can dilute the neem oil and +liquid soap+water and spray over the infested regions.

Neem is a natural pesticide that can be used over flowering and ornamental plants.

Neem oil can kill all stages of mealybug on contact within 2-4 days of application.

Reapplying twice or thrice reassures you to get rid of mealybugs.

Neem oil disrupts mealy bugs’ feeding and reproductive process, ultimately leading to plant death.

Using neem oil is an effective and natural way to control mealybug without harming your plants or the environment.

Facts about the mealy bug:

1. Mealy bugs are found all over the world except in polar regions they prefer warm, humid areas.

2. They belong to scale insects as their body looks lined and scaled.

3. Maximum it can reach 0.1 inches

4. In India, the colour of the mealybug is white, but it varies according to the species; it is found in grey, pink, and purple coloured.

5. They have a tail-like structure at the back of the body, which looks like extra legs.

6. The white cottony wax that covers female mealybugs is responsible for their appearance.

7. That white cushiony layer protects the mealybug from body water loss.

8. Male mealy bugs don’t eat because they lack a mouth.

9. They reduce plant nutrients and inject toxic saliva into the plant, affecting plant growth and development.

10. Mealy bugs lay eggs as well as give birth to babies. Female mealybug lays up to 700 eggs and protects them with a waxy cocoon. Newly born mealybugs will emerge within one week.

Frequently asked questions:

1. Will vinegar kill mealybug?

Vinegar can somewhat kill mealybug, but it is ineffective in controlling an infestation.

The sticky honeydew secreted by mealybug can be controlled by mealybug.

2. How to get rid of mealybugs in soil?

Follow these steps:

1. Remove the affected plant and dispose of them

2. Drench the soil with neem oil.

3. Repeat the treatment after a week to kill the remaining mealy bugs.

4. Quarantine the new plants before planting them in the soil to prevent future infestation.

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