How often to Water Umbrella Plant


Umbrella plant– Cyperus alternifolius


An umbrella plant is a multi-trunk tree that can grow up to a height of 15 meters outdoors.

Pruning must be done mandatorily to grow indoors.

It is called an umbrella plant because its delicate green leaves gently droop down from its stalk that looks and resembles an umbrella.

The native of the plant is west Africa, Madagascar and the Arabian peninsula, but widely distributed throughout the world.

How often to water the umbrella plant?

Generally watering should be done once or twice a week(7-15 days). If the plant leaves turn yellow, it is a sign of overwatering and the drooping of leaves is a sign that the plant needs water.

Although there are other factors also which you should keep in mind while watering the such as:

1. Size of the plant

2. Humidity level in the environment

3. Type of soil it is planted.

Excess watering or sogginess leads to the death of the plant.

In summer, watering can be done twice a week, but during winter, two weeks or ten days once is sufficient.

During the growing season, when the plant is actively growing, you may need to water it more frequently, possibly every 7-10 days.

But in winter, you can reduce the watering frequency (every 2-3 weeks) because the plant will be dormant in these seasons.

Water deeply:

The entire root system of the umbrella plant should get wetted; even deep watering is mandatory.

Water should not be stagnated as it may affect the roots of a plant.

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Light– The plant prefers indirect sunlight to get the best results.

Temperature– 15-25°C is the ideal temperature for the growth of the plant.

The main advantage of growing an Umbrella plant is it purifies the air around us.

How to propagate umbrella plant:

Propagation benefits:

   Give rise to new baby plants

   Remove unwanted branches

   Proper shape to plant.

Rooting will be faster for these plants during spring and summer. Propagation can be done year-round.

Terminal Cutting:

 In the stem portion, cutting can be done below the leaf node portion with the help of sterilised scissors or garden shears if required.

The brown spots portion is the place where rooting is initiated.

15-25°C is the ideal temperature for the growth of plants.

Now place the cutting in moist organic soil to initiate the growth of the root and stem portion.

Air layering:

Cut the stem portion from the bottom upwards; the cut should be below the dormant bud or leaf.

Wrap peat moss around the cut portion to make the wound airtight.

Roots will be initiated within a few days. Separate the new baby plant from the mother plant and place it separately in another pot to grow as an individual plant.

How often to fertilise umbrella plant:

 Feeding your umbrella plant every two to three weeks with a typical diluted plant fertiliser will help it develop more quickly and is another tip you have for caring for it. 

 You can stop feeding your umbrella plant once or twice a year once it has grown to the desired height.

How often to prune the umbrella plant?

Pruning allows you to keep the plant’s shape and look under your control.

Inspect your umbrella plant and how many stems it has, and you can do pruning accordingly. If more stems are present, they will grow bushy and need pruning. If there are few stems, less pruning is required because it grows thin and tall.

A Pole pruner can be used for tall and large umbrella plants.2-3 leaves can be present on each stem.

Cut all stems 6 inches from the base to rejuvenate a bare-bottomed plant.

The proper shape of the plant can be given only by pruning and trimming.

Frequently asked questions:

1. How much water does an umbrella plant need?

Water the plant until the soil around the plant become moist. But do not allow the water to stand near the root portion of the plant.

You should ensure that the pot should have adequate drainage to prevent waterlogging.

2. How do you care for an indoor umbrella plant?

Follow the basic steps to care for the umbrella plant:

Grow the plant in bright indirect light.

The soil must be moist but not waterlogged.

Fertilise the plant monthly.

Prevent pests and diseases in the initial stage itself.

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